I'm going to write every single thing that i know for everyone aiming for our faculty or you already got a placement just don't know what to expect.
1) Requirement
Students here are from foundation (UM and UiTM), matriculation and last but not least diploma students from our own university (diploma in science, microbiology and teknologi makmal).
Most of foundations and matriculation students are 4 flatters (Lol) so if you are aiming to get to our faculty be ready to sacrifice your whole year in foundations with books and stuff. It is just a year luls.
Onto Diploma students they are all bright students with most of them get ANC award (Anugerah Naib Canselor). They have more experience and more mature.
2) Fees
We have like the cheapest fees compared to any public university with the same course. LUCKY isn't it ? that's what I thought. How cheap? 1.2 K per sem. But still we have a lot of new and advance accommodations compared to others since we are still new. Mind you I'm the 14th batch. This fees will help you a LOT since JPA is very hard to get and most of us are self sponsored. Only a third of my batch got JPA so goodluck !
3) Facilities
our faculty are located at UiTM Sg Buloh and Selayang but mainly Sg Buloh for pre Clinical year and Selayang for Clinical year. Since I am only familiar with Sg Buloh Campus only so I'm going to mainly talk on Sg Buloh Campus only
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Free gym for all bodybuilders ! |
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My room before it gets messier because of me |
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Our kitchen ! |
So this is our faculty. Big and historical. For the next two years you are going to have lectures, Tutorials and practical here .We have our own museum, lab, lecture hall, library and my favorite anatomy dissection hall.
Lecture hall
This is where you are going to have your lecture, most of you are going to be asleep here
as it is very comfy and you get Wifi ! (lol )
Lab and anatomy dissection hall
This is where you are going to have all of your practical. Cadaver ? we have lots of them and the end of year you are going to be sick and bored of seeing a lot of cadaver but still it is very useful to us medical students
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cadaver |
fascinating isn't it ? this is basically only a part of a lot of wonderful things that you can found in our faculty. I also want to talk about our syllabus but I think it would be a very long post so I'll
save it for the next post.
Baju belang2 aku masuk blog afiq yayyy hahaha
ReplyDeleteHahahhaaha nanti oost lagi baju belang kau
DeleteBagus la afiq ni
ReplyDeleteHaa bino lagi bagus
DeleteLibrary mana library , tempat paling best tidur kot penting untuk adik adik tauu ๐๐
ReplyDeleteAfiq jarang g library tu yang tk post tu hahahaha
DeleteOmg post more bout your faculty, cant wait to read te syllabus parts!
ReplyDeleteAlready updated the 2nd part sorry for the late reply !
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi bro Afiq. Memang nak masuk sini dia nak kena 4lat ke? Dia ikut pointer UiTM ke pointer UPU? Sebab saya dapat B math, tapi dapat A physics. Still ada chance ke? Sebab dalam syarat dia kan dia pilih antara math ngan physics kan
ReplyDeleteHello sorry for the late reply, lama dah tak check blog.rasanya they'll use upu punya result.About 4flat tak pasti, because lecturer yang pilih student.Doa banyak2 and goodluck
Deletethanx fr sharing..useful info๐๐๐
ReplyDeleteThank you !
DeleteKolej kediaman memang akan dpt dari first year sampai final year ke? Hm nak alamat email boleh tak? Nak tanya lagi pasal medic uitm ni hehe๐
ReplyDeleteKolej kediaman akan dapat dari first year sampai final year, you can email me at m.afiqzulazhar97@gmail.com or kalau nak senang twitter :@afiqzulazhar97 ig: @afiqzul_97
DeleteAssalamualaikum ..nak tanya. Mmg biaya 1.2K je ke utk stiap tahun? Utk pndaftaran n kediaman sekali ya?
ReplyDeleteBtw, thanks for the info. Best bacaa ๐๐๐
Untuk pendaftaran bayar lain ( i'm not sure berapa ), 1.2k hanya utk satu sem , rm 580 yuran pengajian and rm 594 yuran kolej
DeleteTahun 1 sampai 3 sungai buloh kenapa tahun 4 dan 5 pindah ke Selayang ??
ReplyDeletetak pasti kenapa, mungkin sebab uitm ada collab dengan hosp selayang and uitm takde hosp sendiri lagi.
DeleteNo air conditioner in your room ?
ReplyDeleteahahahaha yes, no air conditioner.
DeleteUitm baru start buat iv ye utk kemasukan sept2019???
ReplyDeleteUitm baru start buat iv ye utk kemasukan sept2019???
ReplyDeleteyes they do. sorry for the late replyyy !
DeleteAssalamualaikum,sy lpsn matrikulasi dngn cgpa 3.84(chem n bio A-) n muet band 4.Ada x peluang sy utk dpt medic uitm 2019?
ReplyDeleteWaalaikumsalam, I'm not sure but if you get to the interview part i think you can get into med school if you do well in the interview.
ReplyDeleteYes ? Wslm, maaf jarang bukak blog, boleh contact deka ig. Dm je nanti replyy
ReplyDeleteNak tanya. Ramai tak lepasan diploma sains dekat mmbbs? Teringin nk ambik tp nmpk mcm peluang tu nipis sgt :'(
ReplyDeleteRasanya ramai je yang dari diploma, member kata kalau 3.5 high chance la dapat
Deletekalau dri dip science..dia refer more to cgpa n spm..or cgpa..thanks :)
ReplyDeletemcm mne kalau dpt anc..mmg akn dpt ke mbbs..or dia still tgk spm requirement? :)
ReplyDeleteRasanya akan dapat. Tak pasti tentang spm, maybe tak tengok kot. Maaf reply sangat lambat. Jarang check blog.
DeleteSalam nk tnye, nk masuk mbbs still tgok spm ke or pointer dip? Klau saya dpt fizik C+ tpi cgpa 3.9 still bleh masuk ke?
ReplyDeleteSalam nk tnye, nk masuk mbbs still tgok spm ke or pointer dip? Klau saya dpt fizik C+ tpi cgpa 3.9 still bleh masuk ke?
ReplyDeleteRasanya dia tengok pointer diploma tapi semuanya atas university jadi saya tak berapa pasti.
Deletehi can i know where u did ur pre university? and how u applied for upu as in was uitm was ur first choice? did u apply for medic ukm or medic um?
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikum adakah uitm memberi priority kpd students asasi sains diorang utk pursue medic?