So this week had been one of the toughest week i've been ,There have been 2 sgs in one day , lots of last minute works but in the end we managed to survive because that is what we always do,surviving.But recently all of those thoughts starts to consume myself as finals are approaching as we were left with only 3 weeks before we face our first finals together,that is. Funny how we thought this five years is very long yet our first semester is ending and it feels like ,yesterday was our first day here and we are not even ready , at least i am not ready for finals.
what if i fail this final ?All of this thoughts are lingering in our mind because nothing , trust me, nothing is 100% sure, you might have a high carry mark yet fail your final exam and you might fail all of those quizsssss yet managed to score on your final exam , because everything depends on you .That is why we put our best efforts into this,because even if you fail the previous test ,it doesn't mean you are going to fail for the next one and the same goes when you ace your test.
And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah ] [2:45
I know everything will be difficult from now on but you can bet on me , if you seek help from your lord, He will not abandon you, no matter how many times you fail.In every dark tunnel there will be lights, or in every storms there will be rainbows , everything will be okay in the end and if it is not , it is not the ending just yet
Verily, with hardship comes ease -Surah Ash-Sharh (The Relief)
No matter how lost you are in your studies there is still a chance.I know you (might or might not) already taste failure but that makes you even better because some people doesn't even know what failing is and you've gained an upperhand than them because only ones who fails know the true taste of success .
JUST.DON'T.EVER.GIVE.UP .Things will be tough but verily with hardship comes ease.There will be times when you want to give up so bad and quit medicine, or even when you want to give up because you are affraid that you will not make it or " i won't make it anyway, might as well enjoy it ". The thing is DON'T ever let the risk of failure from holding you from doing something that you should. DON'T ever give up and pick the easiest way , because humans shouldn't do something that makes him happy but you should do something that makes you great.You don't know how beautiful you are when you don't give up, or even when you put your 100% into things you like . How often we see successful people and yearns to be like them , The thing is they don't give up just like how J. K. Rowling author of Harry potter was rejected many times by publisher, or even when Dr Beni fails his studies(he told this story when i was in pasum ) but yet managed to be a cardiologist .Did you know graphite and diamonds are both made of carbons ? but what makes them different ?pressure.
so are you someone who endure the pain and pressure good enough that you turns into diamond ? or are you someone who is contempt with easy ways and aims to be a graphite ?your choice.your life